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Welcome to Leads Sure Media: 

Greetings from Leads Sure Media! We appreciate your interest in understanding our terms and conditions. Transparency is a key aspect of our business, and we aim to provide you with a comprehensive overview of our policies. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions outlined below.

Web Hosting Agreement and Terms of Service:

Leads Sure Media adheres to standard policies and terms of service governing the use of our hosting services. Prior to signing up, it is essential to carefully review and agree to these policies. Should you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to our team. Please note that Leads Sure Media reserves the right to modify these policies at any time, prioritizing the security and satisfaction of our extensive client community.

Change in Packages and Pricing:

Leads Sure Media retains the authority to adjust the pricing and services of its packages at any given time. Changes may occur without prior notice, but the revised prices will only apply to new deals. Existing orders will be honored at the original price. Your security and satisfaction remain our utmost priority throughout this process.

Account Setup and Late/Non-Payment:

Account setup occurs upon receipt and confirmation of payment, subject to screening procedures. It is your responsibility to provide accurate information for verification. In cases of late or non-payment, a structured procedure is in place, including potential suspension or termination of services.

Spam Policy:

Leads Sure Media has a zero-tolerance policy towards Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) or SPAM on our network. Violations may result in penalties, including immediate termination of services. We conduct thorough investigations and may involve law enforcement if necessary.

Prohibited Use of Services and Products:

Clients and associates are required to adhere to the guidelines provided by Leads Sure Media. Prohibited activities include engaging in illegal activities, causing harm to others, and violating copyright or trademark laws. Breaches of security, network abuse, and misuse of resources are strictly prohibited.

Prohibited Scripts and Programs:

Certain scripts and programs are restricted to maintain the integrity of our services. Users are advised to comply with these restrictions to prevent account suspension. Prohibited scripts include those that interact with hardware, influence server configuration files, or compromise security.

Loss of Backup and Data:

While we take weekly backups for server restoration purposes, the responsibility for data transfer, file maintenance, and proper backup rests with the client. Leads Sure Media is not liable for data loss, crashes, or system downtime.

What You Own and What You Don’t: Source Code/Database of Website:

Ownership details are outlined for various components, including web server, content management system (CMS), database software, source code, HTML/CSS/Javascript, visual design, text content, photography, and domain name.

Working on Client’s Server:

Leads Sure Media does not host websites on client servers and provides support primarily through email. The support scope is defined, including limitations on third-party software and scripts.

Installation of 3rd Party Software:

Clients are solely responsible for the installation of third-party software in their web space. Insecure installations may result in account termination.

Payment and Refund Issue:

Payments are accepted through standard modes, and there is no provision for full or partial refunds once an order is placed. The company does not provide content through alternative media.

Copyright Policy:

Leads Sure Media holds exclusive copyright for all information, material, services, and content. Replication without permission is subject to legal action.

Guidelines for Use of Site Information and Materials:

Viewing, downloading, printing, and distributing site information are subject to specific conditions outlined, including non-commercial use and the prohibition of deletion of proprietary notices.


Leads Sure Media disclaims any warranties, and users are advised to note limitations on liability. The site may contain technical errors, and users are responsible for their computer system’s security.


Logo and trademark displayed on the website are owned by Leads Sure Media, and any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Privacy Policy:

User information is used in accordance with relevant laws, and temporary cookies are used for site functionality. Users can request updates, modifications, or deletions of their data.

Matter of Disputes and Jurisdictional Aspects:

Legal disputes are addressed in the territory of Delhi, subject to contemporary laws. The governing law and jurisdiction of this agreement are specified.


Leads Sure Media appreciates your understanding of these terms and conditions, which are subject to change. We aim to provide the best solutions and strengthen our business relationships with you.


Thank you for choosing Leads Sure Media!

Last Updated: 01 April 2023